Last week in class we discussed conglomeration. This lesson made me realize how big certain companies were, and how powerful they actually are.
For example Time Warner Cable (TWC) TWC is the third largest media company next to Walt Disney and Comcast. They own major internet, television and film divisions. Because they own all these different medias they can control what is said about them. Since they own CNN they can make sure that nothing bad is ever said about them on that channel. Another negative to conglomerations is the lack of diversity in content, because most of these conglomerates are populist, they only show what the people want to see, meaning that every show/movie/book are going to be very similar (The Hunger Games and Divergent for example) After this lesson I realized how few independent media companies there were and how these companies are becoming too powerful.
Even though there are some negatives to conglomeration, there are also some positives. Conglomeration positively effects corporations more then it does the people. Because conglomerates own so many platforms of media, they can make more money. Also because they own so many platforms they can expand over all of them. For example, Harry Potter. Harry Potter started out as a book, then it became a movie. Overtime it became so popular that companies noticed that they could make a lot of money if they started to create toys, video games and costumes. So they did. Now you can access Harry Potter themed things everywhere, over all platforms of media.
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