Wednesday, August 31, 2016


We discussed this topic in class on Monday the 29th.

When companies start losing their audience, advertisers, and/or staff, they have to demassify. This is when corporations start creating media for “niche” audiences, instead of trying to create content that will reach the largest mass audience possible.

After listening to Mr. Miller's lecture, I realized that the movies I love are made for teenage girls to watch and the tv shows I enjoy are made for people who love sitcoms. A lot of what I watch, read, buy, and like, has been created for a niche audience that I am a part of. Without demassification, not as many mediums/networks would be creating content that certain groups of people enjoy. If they were still trying to reach the largest mass audience, then they would only create things that are popular among everyone, and I probably wouldn't have read/seen some books/movies that I truly love.

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